The Catamaran Adventures of Noel and Ceu

6 Days to Go

Heading back to the boat on Thursday! Arrive Grenada Friday evening.

Had a good two months in Canada. Caught up on a lot of business stuff. Having bought a new business the day before we left Canada back in May was interesting. Fortunately my partner Darren was able to put in a bunch of work to knock it into shape, and then I have been working pretty solidly on it for the past two months, but now it seems to be stable.

So, I am back to the boat, and Darren departs on his motor home travels in January.

It really is so cool this virtual lifestyle! Work when and where you want to. Can’t beat it.

Anyway, once again we are having the packing woes. Somehow we again have a mountain of STUFF that we want to take back to the boat. So Ceu puts it in the suitcase, and then I take it out again.  I think that now we have whittled it down to a manageable amount, so we should be good to go.

I mean, do we really need to take all those sheets and bedspreads??? Yeah, I know they look really nice, but they also WEIGH a lot. Of course, my tools – well that is a whole different story. Definitely indispensable.

Actually, half of the suitcase is taken up with a roll of charts weighing 29 lbs just in themselves. Even with 3 GPS’s on board it makes sense to have paper charts too. After all, a lightning strike could fry them all, and then what do we do? So we have charts to cover the entire Caribbean- the ABS’s, Columbia, Panama, Central America round to Cuba and then the Bahamas.

Which is our intended itinerary for the next 8 months or so.

The, apart from that we just have a bunch of miscellaneous things that we couldn’t find locally.

And my new HTC Desire smart phone! Which does way more than my old one did (not hard, since the old one didn’t even have a camera in it).

Hopefully this will give me more connectivity in the islands, especially email and skype.

Well, got to go help cook the turkey for thanksgiving!

3 Responses to “6 Days to Go”

  • Andy DuTot:

    Noel, never had an idea until Doug sent me this glad to see someone having a life journey.
    All the best on your voyages

  • Querida Irmã não imaginas a alegria que sinto poder acompanhar um pouco a tua felicidade, não fazia ideia de que a tecnologia podia trazer estas facilidades. Sempre que possa vos vou acompanhar. Para tudo é preciso tempo e quando venho ao computador e sempre de fugida, vou tentar vir mais vezes para te poder ver a cozer o pão, a cozinhar o lobster, na tua costura, no teu lazer, enfim… Realmente fazes tudo como se tivesses em casa.

    Adoro-te, Tenho MUITAS Saudades e esperamos por vocês até ao Verão, será uma grande alegria receber-vos. BEIJINHOS e continuação de boas Férias. 🙂

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