The Catamaran Adventures of Noel and Ceu

We Just Can’t Seem to Leave Solta

Current Location: Senjska, Solta, Croatia
Current Position: 43 21.51 N 016 18.4 E Click to view map.
Distance sailed since last post: 10 nautical miles. View the map of our voyage track here

After Mitzi, David and Emma left us, we filled up with some water, and then motored to the West end of Solta with Bagheera.

There we drank some more wine and played some more ‘Brandy Dog’ and ‘Mexican Train’.

And today, despite the ongoing forecast of zero wind, we thought we would try for Vis.

Bagheera left first thing, motoring. We waited. At about 13:00 some wind appeared, so we upped sails and set off closehauled in the vague direction of Vis. Wind was light, and were were barely making 3kts, which wasn’t too helpful, given that we had 20 miles to travel.

And then the wind veered. So now we were looking at a full beat in no wind. Or motoring.

We decided to tack and head instead for Brac, closehauled on Starboard, doing now about 4kts with 11kts of wind. Not so bad at all.

And then, at 14:30 the wind dropped to 5kts and backed all the way to the East. So know were were going slowly, in the wrong direction. We could tack and sail a nice course to Vis – and arrive there about 3am. Or we could motor to Brac.

Or we could cut our loses and find a bay on Solta.

So we spent the afternoon doing a big loop out from Solta and then back in again!

One day there will be some wind and we will get out of here…

2 Responses to “We Just Can’t Seem to Leave Solta”

  • Connie Van Bussel:

    Nice to see that some people still know how to cruise. Looking forward to getting back to a life on the water. Weddings and solid ground a life do not make! Glad you enjoyed Venice.

  • heidi:

    We’re in Ottawa since Tuesday. To cottage TOMORROW.
    Dad very tired. Needs a good rest.
    love, mum

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