The Catamaran Adventures of Noel and Ceu

Archive for 2010

Well, we are back on track, but goodness it has been hectic trying to organize everything. So here is the plan: May 30th – travel to BVI along with Jessica (Ceu’s daughter) and six heavily packed boxes/suitcases full of all the stuff we have been gathering for the boat. We will then do an “owner’s (Click to Read More...)
I can’t believe this! Somehow there was a mix-up with Conch Charters and they have booked Life Part 2 out for Mid June to Mid July! And we were just about to book our tickets to the BVI for May 31st. Just as well we didn’t 🙂 So, the plan now is to do some travelling first – maybe around BC, or maybe go to Brazil to see friends of Ceu’s, and then head for Life Part 2 on July 18th. All a bit of a shock, but I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end. Just a bit frustrating, as we were all set to go.
How did it all start? Don’t remember, really. It seems that somewhere towards the end of 2008 I suddenly had the bright idea of sailing around the world. I have raced dinghies for years – Fireflies, OK’s, Lasers, and Formula 18 cats for years, but had never really seen the point of big boat sailing. (Click to Read More...)