The Catamaran Adventures of Noel and Ceu

Sooo Busy

Well, we are back on track, but goodness it has been hectic trying to organize everything.

So here is the plan:

May 30th – travel to BVI along with Jessica (Ceu’s daughter) and six heavily packed boxes/suitcases full of all the stuff we have been gathering for the boat.

We will then do an “owner’s charter” of the boat for a couple of weeks – just cruising around the BVI, which should be a nice holiday.

Then on June 12th we will fly, via Panama and Lima, to Brazil, where we will spend two weeks touring around – visiting the Iguassu Falls, the Pantanal, Bonito, Rio, and of course Matteus and Renato, Ceu’s friends.

Then we go to Peru to do the Inca Trail and Macchu Pichu, taking in Lake Titicaca and a few nights in the Amazon jungle. Expensive, but should be awesome!

Then we return to BVI to finally take possession of Life Part 2 on July 19th.

From there it will then be a quick sail south to get out of the Hurricane zone before August. Especially since this year is expected to be a high hurricane year, with El Nino fading and sea temperatures fairly high.

Altogether we have a dozen flights booked to achieve all that. Not looking forward to that part, especially since a couple are night flights 🙁

Still, it will be worth it.

One Response to “Sooo Busy”

  • Jay:

    It was great seeing you guys yesterday.

    It seems that everything is coming into place. Sailing would definitely gives a sense of freedom, and introduces the world to us from totally a different point of view.

    Good luck,

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